Kitchen Remodel - Page 7

Kitchen Remodel - Page 2
Kitchen Remodel - Page 3
Kitchen Remodel - Page 4
Kitchen Remodel - Page 5
Kitchen Remodel - Page 6
Kitchen Remodel - Page 7
Kitchen Remodel - Page 8
Kitchen Remodel - Page 9
Kitchen Remodel - Page 10
Kitchen Remodel - Page 11
Kitchen Remodel - Page 12
Kitchen Remodel - Page 13
Kitchen Remodel - Page 14
Kitchen Remodel - Page 15
Kitchen Remodel - Page 16
Kitchen Remodel - Page 17
Kitchen Remodel - Page 18

P3240001.JPG (530965 bytes)
Heat Duct Installed
P3240003.JPG (552804 bytes)
Heat Duct Installed


P3260022.JPG (529280 bytes)
Heat Duct in Spare Bedroom
P3260024.JPG (522136 bytes)
Heat Duct in Spare Bedroom
P3260026.JPG (524904 bytes)
Duct Grate Installed
P3240002.JPG (505772 bytes)
Trimming Floor Joist to make room for Drywall
P3250004.JPG (533971 bytes)
Insulation Installed in Back Wall
P3250005.JPG (508015 bytes)
Insulation Installed in Back Wall
P3250006.JPG (533637 bytes)
200 Amp Service Upgrade
P3260049.JPG (565053 bytes)
200 Amp Service Installed
P3250007.JPG (565959 bytes)
Marking Stud Locations Before Installing Drywall

P3250009.JPG (542064 bytes)
Applying Adhesive

P3250010.JPG (570064 bytes)
Installing Ceiling Drywall
P3250011.JPG (547256 bytes)
Installing Outlet below Desk Area
P3250013.JPG (563260 bytes)
Looking into Old Office from Kitchen
P3250014.JPG (488413 bytes)
North Wall Drywalled
P3250015.JPG (461355 bytes)
Completed Drywall on Ceiling
P3250016.JPG (482307 bytes)
Preparing Living Room Wall for Patching
P3250018.JPG (489513 bytes)
Installing Drywall
P3250019.JPG (560737 bytes)
Installing Drywall Outside Pantry
P3250020.JPG (488248 bytes)
Installing Drywall Outside Pantry
P3250021.JPG (559807 bytes)
New Doorway to Pantry Area